Friday, December 18


I feel like answering questions, so here:
1. If you had wings, what would they look like?
Paper wings with large tan-coloured feathers filled with dust
2. Who was the last person to make you laugh?
Dan Bergstein, I just finished reading his latest Twilight blog.
3. The last text you received?
From my brother saying "No"
4. What are you listening to right now and does it remind you of anything?
Injection by Rise Against. And it is reminding me that I AM GOING TO SEE RISE AGAINST IN JANUARY!!!
5. Where do you want to live?
In the house from Ladies in Lavender, or at least at the same location.
6. Two words to explain the last time you threw up:
Roast Dinner
7. Have you ever cleaned up someone elses vomit?
Nope, just someone elses poop. It's fun working at McDonalds!
8. Are you Harold Holt?
No. No I am not. Cease your investigation and do not look into it any further (if you know what's good for you.)
9. If you were in a Zompocolypse and only had one object with you what would it be?
An MC Hammer CD! Or perhaps a dictionary.
10. Would Superman still beat Luke Skywalker if Luke had two lightsabers?
Only Kryptonite can beat Superman so Luke's lightsabers have nothing. But then again, Superman is a bit of a loser...
11. What's your funeral song?
"There will be No Violins when You Die" by I Killed the Prom Queen. This seems like a weird choice but it is seriously a beautiful song.
12. I'm made of wax, Larry. What are you made of?
Airport tags
13. How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
That depends whether a female woodchuck is watching and if he is trying to impress her
14. If you were in a horror movie you would:
Be the little nerdy guy who doesn't want to be there and dies right at the end saving the hero and heroine.
15. The greatest risk you ever took:
Taking the red pill
16. What's your most overused word/saying?
Dodgy. No question there. But awesome comes in second.
17. Why were you late?
Sorry, I got lost on the road of life
18. What is the closest orange object to you?
An Andy Warhol postcard
19. Favourite smell?
The dusty rain smell. Nothing smells better than rain
20. Has anyone ever said you look like a celebrity?
Once I was told I sort of look like Axle Rose. Not happy.
21. What are you afraid of?
I have a serious phobia of wrists. Yes, wrists, so please don't shove them in my face or touch my wrists or I will probably cry. Other than that, it's life that scares me to death.
22. Does anyone you know want to date you?
Yes. And so you know, there is nothing romantic about being asked out over Facebook chat. Dude, I believe in old fashioned courtship.
23. I say shotgun you say:
"Shotgu- fuck." Then I drop my pants and say "I challenge you."
24. What do you do during a thunderstorm?
Dance in it. Preferably to Dancing for Rain by Rise Against
Anyway, feel free to ask your own questions. Laura had a cool program thing when she did questions but I'm not that technoliterate. Also, feel free to answer some of these questions. Whatever.


  1. LOLL. :D.

    I read that Twilight blog. Twas funny. Bella actually does brag a lot. I never really noticed. idk. :/.

  2. LOL This was hilarious! I loved "14. If you were in a horror movie you would:
    Be the little nerdy guy who doesn't want to be there and dies right at the end saving the hero and heroine."

    That would be me, but I am afraid I'd be the nerdy one who gets killed at the very beginning and is listed last on the credits. :(

  3. Yeah Zella, I sometimes feel a bit like that. But you have to have hope. I'm sure you can make it through most of the movie. You're smart and artsy so you might even be final girl quality.

    I love deligating people roles in horror movies.

    O'Malley you'll be the hero and save everyone, or, more likely, be the guy who turns evil and dies a horrible and painful death, or the guy who steals from the ancient tomb and dies a horrible and painful death, or the guy who dies first, a horrible and painful death.

    Laura, you can go for help and disappear (maybe later we find you dead in a cupboard, it depends how reasonable you are through the movie.) Don't worry though, some of best characters die this way.

    Chairman, you either die like me or Laura. Or you know, you could be the hero, but it's unlikely.

    Scott, you're probably the comic relief guy who dies halfway through. Or you could be the villian if you like. I'm sure you'll be fine with either of those.

    L, I giving you the role of police officer or private investigator. You either come rushing in and die or solve the crime without saving anyone but yourself and the final girl.

    So it looks like only Zella is making it out alive. Well, unless the Chairman and L join our final girl.

    Now that I've laid down the ground works, someone can write the script.

  4. Penguins, Thanks! This sounds like a great movie premise. :D

    You know what's weird? In between this comment and my first comment, I took a Facebook quiz on which character I'd be in a horror film and got survivor. You have ESP! :)

    I wonder how my blog followers would stack up in a horror film. Oh my. That would be fun to ponder... :D
