Wednesday, November 4


Well. I only have one exam left. Extension History. Its been tough. Expectially when the clock stopped during my Modern history exam. But so far I've made it through, and I don't really care what happens to me afterwards. As long as I'm surviving, I'm okay.
You may have noticed my banner to the left: "NaNoWriMo participant"
Well, this November (so right now) I'm participating in the National Novel Writers Month where I have to write a 50 000 word novel by the end of November. I'm not really able to start until after my exams end on the sixth but I'm still attempting it. It's good motivation to finish something I write for once.
I might post some of it here, or start another blog for it, where you can read it. I enjoy constructive criticism and all that nonsense.
...I just lost my tissue and I have hayfever...
Alright, that's better. I'm feeling really positive about NaNo so I'm hoping to convince some people to join, even if its a bit late. But there's always next year!
Anyway, that's the end of this. Let's Write!


  1. I'm doing NaNoWriMo too but I started late because of exams. FAIL.

  2. Oh! How exciting! When did you start? How are you going with it? Are you insane yet? (I am)
    Good luck!
