Why is it so absurd to wear a toga to a school sporting event?
I waltz down the street wearing it, waving a two-dollar plastic katana around my head (I don't know why I chose the culture clash, but it seemed to fit) and no one gives me a second glance. But the second I'm in with my peers I'm the freak in the bed-sheet.
The teachers thought I had a cool costume, my friend thought me brave, but to everyone else: the freak in the bed sheet.
But then, most of my friends weren't even there and those who were ranged from an exact Naruto double to a L33T gamer, so they're the type of people who'd find anything bizarre cool. But then again, those are the type of people I tend to befriend.
All the same, if a toga at a sporting event is a strange occurrence, I am still going to be the freak in the bed sheet.