Monday, August 17

Hell Yeah! Parkway Freaking Drive!!

Wow, that was awesome.
I saw Parkway Drive perform last night and wow.
Despite the WOW performance I have several complaints, most of which include poor etiquette.
1. Poor concert etiquette number one, to the organisers. The concert was supposed to start at 2. The line didn’t start moving until 2:30. We didn’t get in until 3:20. Also, it was raining. I got cold and wet and I have no body fat to keep me warm. And I missed the first band. Listen people. If the concert was set to start at 2, it should start at 2! Seriously!
2. Okay, so number two on my list of complaints has nothing to do with bad etiquette but more to do with my own personal faults. This complaint is the unintentional exploitation of my extreme and totally irrational wrist phobia. Yes I have a fully fledged phobia of wrists; you wanna make something of it? This complaint is based on the fact that when we finally got inside they marked my wrist with an X. In permanent marker! Not only did the feeling of the pen sliding across my wrist make me hyperventilate but having to cope with the scrubbing brush chaffing my wrist afterwards had me on the verge of throwing up. I know, I’m nuts, but that doesn’t mean this doesn’t bother me.
3. Poor concert etiquette number two goes to the moshers. I realise it’s a mosh pit, and everyone wants to get to the front so there’s a lot of pushing, but that does not mean you can start a fight! Everyone’s jumping and head banging and pushing. The mosh is like one massive pulse. Everyone is being pushed. So if someone pushes you, you do not need to push the guy back. Us twig-like people who snap easily would have much more fun if we didn’t need to worry about being hit and could rock out to violent screamo music in peace.
4. My final concern on concert etiquette goes to those who request songs. Okay, so you want to hear your favourite song, I get that, but your favourite song is most likely also the bands crowing achievement, and thus is going to be the song they save for the encore. So quit screaming for Romance is Dead after every song, enjoy what you get, and remember to request an encore (although, you know they’ll do it anyway).
So that’s my list of complaints. For some reason I’m convinced you’re there laughing at me right now but I had to make my point. Still, despite all these complaints, I had an awesome time and it was totally worth waiting over an hour in the rain.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like fun.
    I have never been in mosh pit and I'm too scared to with all the pushing and jumping and what not. :\
    (I would probably stand in a back corner or something so it would be a waste to be in the mosh in the first place...)

