Thursday, June 17

Did Zella just call me a liar?

Thank you to the amazing and incredible Zella Kate who awarded me this award:

To accept this award, I need to:
  1. Thank the person who gave you the award
  2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog
  3. Link to the person who nominated you
  4. Tell up to six outrageous lies about yourself and at least one outrageous truth, or vice-versa
  5. Nominate seven "creative" writers
  6. Post links to the blogs you nominate
  7. Leave a comment on each blog letting them know they've won the award.

So, seven things. Some are lies. Some are true. Some are lies that are part true. You need to decide which is which.

  1. When taking a group of year 7's for a primary school to high school support day I made a child cry by playing Parkway Drive
  2. When I was seven I scared my fish so much he knocked himself unconscious and we had to jam him between two rocks so he wouldn't float to the surface and suffocate.
  3. When I was in year six my friend had her Russ dog stuffed toy stolen and we staged a full scale investigation that included interrogations and dusting for prints.
  4. During this investigation 10-year-old Penguins made the cleaning lady cry.
  5. I am married to my sister.
  6. When I was 7 I bit my tongue in half.
  7. I once woke my brother up in the middle of the night for apparently singing the Pokemon theme song in my sleep. I don't even know the Pokemon theme song.

Alright! Tag time!


I look forward to seeing what you think is a lie and what's not :P


  1. Aw, thanks Penguins Quack! You made my day :D

  2. HA!! "I bit my tounge in half."

    ..awkward if it's true though... =P

    What's wrong with hosting your own blog??

  3. Well, I think I know which one it is. That said, I am your brother.

  4. Yay, I got tagged! (Or another Laura got tagged, but I'll just presume it's me because I'm awesome and who wouldn't want to tag me?).

    Well, I think number 6 is definitely a lie. It just sounds gross, okay, and I don't want to think about it. :/.
    Number 1 is a lie (as if a penguin quacking could make a kid cry, wtf) and number 2 is true (sounds fun, okay, whatever).
    Number 3 is true, and number 4 is lie. (As I said before, penguins quacking do not make people cry).
    Number 5 is a lie (YOU DON'T HAVE A SISTER!).
    (Okay, I have no idea what siblings you have but whatever).
    And the last one is true because people do crazy stuff in their dreams, y'know. :P.

  5. That's cool, Lucy. I love your blog.

    Tom, there is nothing wrong with hosting your own blog. I'm just not sure I'm allowed to tag someone not on blogger. Although I'm not sure why I wouldn't.

    Chairman. Don't say anything. I know you know.

    Laura, yes it's you! I'm not going to say anything yet about whether you're right or not. All will be reveiled in my next post.

  6. *peers around craftily* Yes, I did call you a liar. Hehe The lies you crafted are quite tricky, Penguins! :D

    1. False I don't think you would do this.

    2. True This is probably not true, but it's too funny to write off. :D

    3. True This sounds like something I'd do. ^^

    4. False A gentle penguin reducing a suspect to tears? Maybe, but I say false.

    5. False I know you only have brothers. (Hehe I do, too!) However, you have mentioned something about this in regards to Facebook, so if you're expanding the definition to e-siblings, then it's true. *is slippery and can't make up mind*

    6. False Penguins don't have teeth. :D They probably do, but I don't see this happening.

    7. True This could happen. My brother and grandma have both sung in their sleep. (It's a somewhat disturbing experience, having a sleeping person serenade you.)

    I can't wait for the answers! :D

  7. Hm, let's see....
    1. I am thinking this is false, as year seven students don't cry easily in front of teenagers. Unless they're like me.

    2. I can see this happening, my fish have gone bonkers on several occasions.

    3.Sounds plausible. :D

    4. Not as plausible, but still a possibility!

    5. I'm hoping this is a no. :o

    6. Ouch! For your sake I'm hoping this is false as well.

    7. I think this is probably true, my cousin does similar things. She woke me up screaming about a monster once, and went on to kick me several times, still asleep. :/

  8. Ooh... good guesses. You may be right, you may not :P

    I'm quite worried about the number of people who seem to think I really am a penguin. Or at least have the characteristics of a penguin.
    Yes, penguins can quack and sing and dance but they can't type. As far as I know.

  9. That's what they use their flippers for! :D
