Wednesday, December 24

The Wonderous

I don't think people understand that if you believe in the wonderous, if you trust and follow it, you'll be glad you did; amazed at what you find.
I don't think even I understand it, too cynical and unable to trust. The wonderous just passes me by, doesn't give me the second look I don't really deserve, and I don't even notice it until it's passed me by, by which time I stare wishfully after it, knowing what I have lost but just as unlikely to go after it the next time the opportunity presents itself.
And I wish for the wonderous to notice me, but my hypocrisy prevents me from noticing when it does, and this is why I will never be a story, why I will never have the inner journey or great epiphany I know it's time I have. Because i let the wonderous pass me by.

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