Yeah... so, these exams are going to kill me...
I hate maths. And...
Dude, we got SCREWED on that Ancient history paper, GOD DAMMIT!!
Now that that's out of my system, its Halloween soon, and I'm dying to dress up so hooray for the Halloween disco this Friday. To celebrate the occasion, here is a list of my choice Halloween costumes:
Karl Marx: This wonderful communist here is my first choice Halloween costume. Unfortunately I don't have a suit to wear or that much (or any at that matter)
facial hair. Also I've been told no one will know who I am, so that would be a bit of a bummer.
Dr. Who: This is who I'm actually going to go as, the
fourth doctor, the one acted by Tom Baker. Scarf and jelly babies. It'll be awesome.
The sword and martini guy from KoL: This is another one people may not get, because, although the should, not everyone plays
the Kingdom of Loathing. But just by dressing up as a stick figure with a sword and martini, I think you have a pretty cool costume.
A Newspaper: Tape a newspaper to your chest and voila! (My brother has stolen this idea of me which proves its gold). If you
really want too you can
accessorise, but why ruin the perfect outfit?
Dr. Horrible: Dr. Horrible from
Dr. Horrible's sing-along blog is one of the greatest characters Neil Patrick Harris ever acted, in fact he was born for that role. Goggles and a lab coat, a pair of gloves, and you're the coolest and sweetest supervillian of all time. If you can convince a friend to dress as Captain Hammer then you have one of the Raddest pair costumes of all time.
Lady Gaga: Glitter and a
wig. It's easy!
Edward Cullen: Same goes for
Eddie C as it did for Lady Gaga
Kanye West: This is the greatest idea of all time, dress up as West, hide in the bushes and when little kids come trick or treating, jump out and say, "yo kids, Ima let you finish, but Christmas is the greatest holiday of all time!" (Look, I'm not giving you a link for this, I'm sure you've seen enough parodies everywhere else)
The Scout from TF2: What's more nerdy than dressing up as a computer game character? Nothing, that's what. And if you want to be the coolest nerd out than
the Scout is the costume for you. The costume is easy: red or blue T-shirt, head-set and a baseball bat. I'm trying to convince a gamer friend to dress as the scout. He loves the idea but he doesn't think he has an outfit that's authentic enough.
Sheet Ghost: This is just so cliche that its totally awesome. People with out a sense of humour may not get the sheer genius of it but you will look seriously